Thursday, March 24, 2011

Snow Crash

 I'm glad that this book was a bit more entertaining than the past sci- fi books (maybe I'm getting better with understanding the literature world of sci- fi). This type of sci-fi book is a cyber punk type of story that follows these two main characters. One is named Hero Protagonist and YT a 15 year old girl with a lot of attitude and that "girl punk" personality. While listening to this book on audio book version, it helps me to understand what is happening with one of the main characters , the person narrating did a  great job at that part. I'll admit that there were some parts in the story that I got lost in the information, but the rest of the book got me interested in wanting to know whats going to happen with Hero and YT.

 YT (her name means Yours Truly)  is my favorite character and I enjoyed listening to what was happening on her end. She was a girl that seemed very street smart and a fast talker, meaning she wouldn't let someone talk over her. If she had something to say to someone, like if they were doing something wrong, she would speak out and not be the innocent young 15 year old. Another thing that I liked about YT was that she was making the best of what came her way. I think any girl at that age would love getting all that attention from guys, even if one of those guys kidnapped her and made her his girl, that would be the Raven character.  I wish I could say that the parts with Hero were just as entertaining to listen to, but I found myself being more drawn to YT. I think that's because I wish I were that type of person with a strong backbone personality and have fun, something that most girls don't do as often.

 At some parts of the story, when it talked about the Mafia and the Pirates I would forget that this is a sci-fi story. At times when the story goes into talking about the character's avatars and how the drug "Snow Crash" is effecting both the user's brain and in the computer and in reality, it reminded me of this Japanese Manga and Anime series that has that same affect on the people. The show is called .Hack Sign (there have been many version of this series). It is similar with this story because, both stories have people going into a cyber world, they have their own avatars that they can customize, and some kind of virus that seriously hurts them in both Digital and reality.

     Snow Crash [Book]

 I would like to see someone make a movie out of this book. I think it would be a cool movie and it would bring more sci-fi stories on the big screen that most people haven't seen before, something new. I would like to see what this cyber world looks like, compared to how I imagine it, but nothing like how Tron looks. I can imagine the director going far and beyond with design and details on  creating the cyber world.

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