The movie Suspiria is a horror film made in 1977. Our main character is an American girl named Suzy Banyon who is coming to Germany (Europe) to study dance at the a dance academy that doesn't welcome her on her first day arriving in Germany. Its raining hard and Before Suzy can knock on the door or ring a doorbell, this frightened girl with her eyes wide open says something out loud (not to Suzy directly). But Suzy can't figure out the words because of the storm. someone from inside the school building isn't letting her her, saying that they don't know her and to go away. The frighten girl is Pat Hingle, she was expelled from the school and was going to her friends apartment to stay. But In her friends apartment (in the bathroom) Pat see's these eyes that are staring right at her through the window. She is then killed by this mysterious encounter. From there the film starts off at a slow paste to a point where you wish something would happen, and when something happens in the night (it always happens at night), it goes by quickly.
The movie doesn't give off any hints as to who is the villain in the story, not until the middle and end. But what the movie does do well is create that feeling suspense and horror, all from the sounds and the music that is played in the movie. For some odd reason while watching this movie, I was starting to think that this movie is similar to Nightmare on Elm Street (the first one more than the sequels). The reason for my comparing these two movies is that they not only have a horror them in cinema. But that they use music to create the fear and tension of the situation. The music in Suspiria is what scared me the most, more than the story. When it was a night scene in the film and I heard that strange, fast paste beating music (or slow and eery music), it does it's job well in getting the audience wrapped up in whats going to happen to the characters, as well as scare us with a sound thats unfamiliar. Nightmare on Elm Street does the same thing (only that movie has a better story and characters). Another thing that I find that both films share is that the main character hardly does anything in the beginning of the strange attacks (doesn't go an investigate). That is what bothered my in the Suspiria film I just watch. Half of the time, the only person that seems to be more scared and wants to investigate on the attacks (murders) is Suzy's friend Sara (who was friends with Pat and was the person that told Suzy on her first arrival to go way from the building).
In the middle/ towards the end of the film, we find out that everyone (the teachers and the lady that owns the building) are witches, a coven of witches and they gain power when they kill someone. In my opinion, it just seemed like they need to added something to give a reason for the killings, so they went with a witch plot. Maybe this film's story came from a German tale that I've never heard of, but the people who were apart of the film could have of more scarier things that would make people think it's witchcraft or signs of witchcraft (again just my own thoughts).
This films wasn't that bad, but it didn't leave me being that scared (as i would with most horror films that i end up watching by my friends, not my idea) as i was thinking it would. The story sounds interesting, but the film seemed to just drag on and the killings were quick. I understand that this is an old film and that their have been other horror films that do a great job at frightening people. But this one didn't have any affect on me. If some film company or studio was going to remake this film, i would suggest that they shorten or edit some scenes that aren't necessary and to build up the fear and death's that are happening in the building and to the characters. Also have the main character Suzy be more active than her supporting actors.
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